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March / April 2015

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TechTalk – March/April 2015

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

The Ethics of Training Customer Service

The trust of a customer (a.k.a., learner) starts with the trustworthiness of the service provider (a.k.a., trainer). Trust is as vital to acquiring competence as it is to buying goods and services.

New Products & Services – March/April 2015

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

Partnerships & Alliances – March/April 2015

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

Sticky Notes: Resource Planning 101

In the business of training, like every business, competition for limited resources is fierce nowadays. That makes good ongoing resource planning more important than ever. There are several steps to keep in mind.

Investing in People Improves Performance

What sets world-class companies apart from their competitors is an understanding of, and commitment to, investing in human capital.

Productivity Coach’s Corner: Building Trust at Work

Effective leaders know there’s much to be gained (and learned) from listening, but they don’t always have the time to “go there.” Three questions make it easier to build trust at work.

Training Survey Says…

When asked what type of training is most effective for soft skills training in areas such as communication, management, and leadership, more than 80 percent of respondents to an American Management Association survey at the Training 2015 Conference & Expo stated that classroom training, including corporate and open-enrollment instructor-led training, was more effective than virtual training.

Bouncing Back

Seems like Mother Nature is on a rampage lately. From flooding rains and stultifying heat to destructive tornadoes and hurricanes and gale-force winds, just about every country in the world has been subject to her wrath. The question is: How prepared are we to deal with these and other disasters both personally and professionally? And how quickly can we bounce back?

L&D Best Practices: March/April 2015

Training magazine taps 2015 Training Top 125 winners and Top 10 Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at Microchip Technology Inc.’s strategy for cultural integration following acquisitions.

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