Home March / April 2020

March / April 2020

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You Still Need to Do the Work

Needs assessment must be done in some fashion every time you get a learning project request.

A Quick Chat About Learning and Chatbots

Educators and trainers should frame the use of chatbot technology as a tool to engage learners with learning more about a topic rather than replacing themselves.

Maximizing the Impact of All Your Training Efforts in 2020

You’re working hard to deliver training that is as good as you can make it—now make sure your clients (internal and external) view that training as a solution, not just an activity.

What’s Your Story?

Create a compelling change narrative to successfully transform your organization.

Finding Your Tribe

One tribe I’ve happily fallen in with is a growing community of facilitators bringing a game on sustainability to the world.

Global Training For A Professional Sports League

The commissioner of a major professional sports league had a vision of building a global brand and was looking for a training solution to help with the international expansion of the organization.

Computational Creativity And The Flavor Of Learning Design

Can computers be creative? Can they help Learning and Development professionals be more creative?

Create Training That Produces Business Results

To get started, select the most important, mission-critical training program on your plate and try to obtain leadership support from an executive who will act as a champion.

The Best Onboarding Never Ends

L&D must transform onboarding into a human experience. They must work with partners to craft a continuous learning strategy that makes people feel welcomed and supported from the day they start to the day they leave.

Rogue Employees— The Enemy Within

Insurance industry reports suggest 80 percent of all cyber liability claims come from employee negligence, including acts by rogue employees.

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