Home May / June 2017

May / June 2017

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Succession Planning In The Federal Public Health System

A succession planning exercise within the Prevention Research and Translation branch at the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (NCBDDD) helped it identify the critical skills needed for future leadership positions.

Cascade Training

By using this approach, we can certify that skills have been properly acquired and that they will be used to continue generating the success of a group in the future.

Front-Line Management 101: I Quit! Why? My Manager!

Benjamin Franklin said: “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” Perhaps a third should be added: employee attrition. It is an issue all managers face—whether they decide to deal with it or not.

Tech Talk (May/June 2017)

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

Products & Services (May/June 2017)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

Partnerships & Alliances (May/June 2017)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

Closing the Sales Gap

There is a sizable perception gap between sales reps and managers when it comes to the importance of sales training topics, practices, and delivery, according to a joint study conducted by Allego and the Sales Management Association (SMA).

Productivity Coach’s Corner: Set the Example

Clients, vendors, and co-workers watch what you do and how you take care of yourself. It’s tough to positively influence others if you’re stressed out, exhausted, and out of shape.

Discrimination at Work

7 themes indicating the most prevalent types of workplace discrimination.

Ins & Outs of Leadership

People often think only extroverts can be leaders. But that’s not the case.

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