Home November / December 2016

November / December 2016

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Aligning Training With Business Strategy

Most of the Learning & Development profession intellectually knows what to do—the problem is turning an intellectual understanding into action.

The Importance Of Updating Your Smile Sheet

Research looking at more than 150 scientific studies has demonstrated that traditional smile sheets are virtually unrelated to learning results. Performance-Focused Smile Sheets, on the other hand, can track both learner satisfaction and learning.

3 Ways To Keep Training Top-of-Mind For Employees

A few reminders disguised as visual tips can keep the momentum going months after a training event.

Sticky Notes: How to Teach Critical Thinking Skills

Here are 3 key components to focus on.

Productivity Coach’s Corner: They’re Watching You

What do your direct reports think about your ability to get things done? What is your “brand” as a leader?

TechTalk – November 2016

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

Products & Services (Nov/Dec 2016)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

Partnerships & Alliances (Nov/Dec 2016)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

Hot Sales Management Training Topics

 A new study by Vantage Point and the Sales Management Association reveals that business acumen and assessing performance are the sales management training topics that yield the greatest impact on sales performance.

What Do Your Employees Value Most? Training

According to a Bridge by Instructure survey, training is the most important learning opportunity for job satisfaction, coming in above mentorship, a tuition reimbursement program, sabbaticals, and international fellowships.

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