Home October 2021

October 2021

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You CAN Take It with You

As I was editing the feature stories in this month’s online-only issue focused on learning assessment, badging, and certification, a scene from The Wizard of Oz popped into my head. After spending much of the film bemoaning his lack of courage—despite his actions to the contrary—the Cowardly Lion receives a special badge from the Wizard of Oz, who declares: “For meritorious conduct, extraordinary valor, conspicuous bravery against Wicked Witches, I award you the Triple Cross.”

Measuring Training Effectiveness

Obtaining learning, behavior, engagement, and performance analytics is critical to the L&D team, and the organization, as they need to know the value of their training programs and how training activities relate to employee performance.

Putting Digital Badges on Blockchain

Blockchain-based, stackable digital badges for professional training increase learner engagement and become a verifiable and trustworthy credentialing portfolio unique to each employee.

Designing Micro-Credentials for the Future of Work

Micro-credentials provide a focused and strategic pathway to help people develop and communicate in-demand capabilities and engage in lifelong, life-wide learning.

Conducting an Effective Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Don’t view training needs analysis as a singular one-dimensional outcome-based exercise. It requires a 360++ view, a structured approach, and an inclusive/diversified assessment.

Amp Up Training with Digital Credentials

Generate long-term career success and increase training volume with digital credentials.

Distinguishing “Certificates” from High-Value “Certifications”

While both certificates and certifications can serve to reward an individual for achieving a milestone, certifications are more likely to lead to a measurable impact for the certifying organization and increased proficiencies for the learner

The Learner Record’s Role in the Great Rehire Era

How the comprehensive learner record can help alleviate today’s talent shortage.

Training Top 100 Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (October 2021)

Each year Training magazine requires all Training Top 100 Hall of Famers to submit an Outstanding Training Initiative that we share with our readers. Here are the details of PwC’s Digital Accelerators program.

Shall We Dance? Keys to Successful Client-Consultant Relationships

The client-consultant relationship is not a zero-sum one. Each party must consider the needs of the other or you will step on each other’s toes and the dance may end.

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