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Discovering New Clues to Creating a Diversified Workforce

If you’re committed to diversifying your workforce, look beyond the candidates with college degrees and beyond automated recruiting systems.

The Talent Ring: Choose—Grow—Inspire

When you view the choosing, growing, and inspiring of talent as a game without a finish line, meant to be repeated over and over again, you begin to develop a culture that will define your company brand well into the future.

Partnerships and Alliances (July 2021)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.
learning and development- training magazine

How Businesses Can Transform Their E-Learning Strategies During Remote Work

With digital transformation efforts in overdrive, businesses can seize the opportunity to enhance their training initiatives.
Training and development - Training Magazine

4 Tips to Remove Obstacles From Training and Development

When a training and development program is built around the vulnerabilities of adult learning, we can watch the barriers dissolve into facades.

Special Delivery!

Figuring out which delivery method will be most successful for a particular training program is no easy task.

Leverage the Power of Performance Support

Let’s strive to make effective performance support the goal instead of just completing development of another e-learning course or facilitating a full calendar of classes.

3 Ways Digital Customer Service Makes Agents (and Budgets) Happy

Implementing digital care solutions that offer automation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help reduce training time for new agents, resulting in cost savings while reducing agent attrition and turnover.

New Products and Services (June 2021)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

Partnerships and Alliances (June 2021)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

Online Partners

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