Magazine Articles

2013 Emerging Training Leaders

These 25 training professionals soar with exceptional leadership skills and business savvy.

Secret Sauce for a Better Boss

Bosses who know their strengths, have the tools they need to succeed, and are adaptable enough to try out different job roles are leaders your organization and employees will respect and admire.

Cultivating Culture

Teaching employees not just how to do their jobs, but the way you expect them to treat co-workers and customers, requires leading by example and consistent communication.

How Baptist Health Care Improves Performance

Edited by Margery Weinstein

Civility at Work

By Catherine Mattice, President, Civility Partners, LLC

A Tale of 2 Cultures

I would not be a happy camper if my publisher pulled a “Marissa Mayer” and called me to say I could no longer work from home after three blissful years of doing so and would have to resume my four-hour-a-day commute to an office in New York City. And I shudder at the very thought of coming home to two lonely, enraged dachshunds with too much time on their…um…paws. I certainly would think about looking for another job. In the meantime, I would drag my sorry self to the office and be unhappy, unengaged, and resentful (and probably pretty unproductive).

How-To: Collect Data to Create Great Training

By Ross Tartell Most of us have had the disappointing experience of working hard to collect data, analyze it, and then present the results to lukewarm levels of reception. In this highly competitive and cost-constrained market, great data is not enough to build the management commitment and sponsorship so critical to training success. Wendy Heckelman of WLH Consulting points out that the success of any data collection process depends on three interrelated factors:

Last Word: Measuring Learning Effectiveness

By Ajay M. Pangarkar, CTDP, CPA, CMA, and Teresa Kirkwood, CTDP A lot of rhetoric is swirling about how to effectively validate “learning” effectiveness…and we believe much of it is misleading advice. No one is disputing that learning must be effective and accountable. However, don’t confuse these two distinctive requirements. To communicate learning effectiveness to business leaders, you must clearly define your initiative’s “validity” relative to how it aligns with Kirkpatrick’s Level 3 and 4 expectations.

Learning Matters: Building Sense-Able Leaders

By Tony O’Driscoll In the latter half of 2012, my colleagues at Duke Corporate Education and I conducted interviews with 36 CEOs from around the globe to better understand what it takes to lead in an increasingly connected and complex business context.

Soapbox: Coach to Gain the Win

By Jason Forrest

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