Home November / December 2015

November / December 2015

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Show Me the Money!

Are you performing to your leaders’ expectations or overvaluing your learning efforts?

Crossing Bridges to Real Learning

Using a cross-disciplinary learning approach to create highly skilled professionals.

Ask Questions

Most of the time, you can take better action if you ask a few questions first and then continuing asking more.

Overcome Paradigm Paralysis with Courage, Confidence, and Conviction

We need to open ourselves up to the possibility of a new paradigm of real-time, collaborative, networked learning.

Training Chinese Leaders to Go Global

An eight-step process for identifying and training Chinese employees to succeed globally.

Quiet Leaders— 5 Tips for Success

When introverts draw on their natural strengths as leaders, they often deliver even better outcomes than extroverts.

Focus on Ireland

The Irish government champions and supports training for its citizens.

Focus on Myanmar

Myanmar learners are highly motivated to learn. After class, they asked for additional reading material to better develop their skills.

On-Camera Instruction

Leverage effective video for training with four core elements: great message design; on-camera presence; visual staging; and technical quality.

Create an Impactful One-Hour Train-the-Trainer Boot Camp

An RCQ analysis—examining receptivity of the trainees, credibility of the trainer, and quality of the training—can help trainers identify relevant areas that can enhance training impact efficiently.

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