Podcast Archives

Agile project management in L&D with Amanda Parola

In the Hot Seat: Amanda Parola on what Agile Project Management is and why it’s such a beneficial project management process.

How to retain talent during the great resignation with Jennifer Dulski

In the Hot Seat: Jennifer Dulski on finding what employees really care about to prevent them from leaving

Designing an effective emerging leaders program at OppFi with Erin Killingsworth-Walker and Mackenzie Saunders

In the Hot Seat: Mackenzie and Erin on how to create a leadership program that is sustainable and impactful

Influencing in talent development with Vivian Blade

In the Hot Seat: Vivian Blade on being influential in your organization

Liz Wiseman on impact players

In the Hot Seat: Liz Wiseman on how to help contributors become impact players in your organization

Influencing hope through stories with Kelly Dozois

In the Hot Seat: Kelly Dozois on how storytelling create positive change in the workplace

The golden age of HR technology with Larry McAlister

In the Hot Seat: Larry McAlister answering questions on HR Technology

User-centered learning design with Nick Shakleton-Jones

In the Hot Seat: Nick Shakleton Jones on creating a great employee experience

Creating Awesome Leaders with Leila Bulling Towne

In the Hot Seat: Leila Bulling Towne on what we need from leaders today in the workplace

The 8 talent development essentials to avoid disaster with Jonathan Miri

In the Hot Seat: Jonathan Miri on creating successful leadership programs with these 8 essentials

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