Home July / August 2015

July / August 2015

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Are You in a Love/Hate Relationship With Your LMS, Too?

When planning to build or buy new content, think outside of the “Next” and “Previous” buttons. Think flipped and blended learning approaches. Think mobile apps and more.

Mediating Conflict

Through effective mediation, workplace conflict can be not only resolved but also a valuable source of information that leads to organizational improvement.

Is There Something Wrong With Employee Engagement?

Maybe we need to take a second look at how we are engaging people. We need to look at making work revolve around engagement rather than engagement revolving around work.

An Emphasis on Transfer

What can be done before, during, and after training to help ensure that what participants learn during the training actually gets used on the job?

AMP Up Your People

Unleash the power of discretionary effort by using the three key motivational levers that drive people to go the extra mile: Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose (AMP).

Talent Management for the Next Generation of Leaders

Recommendations from 25 Chief Talent and Learning Officers for companies wishing to build their next generation of global leaders.

Focus on New Zealand

Training programs that currently are in demand address management development topics, sales, customer service, and communication and presentation skills.

Write an Effective Survey Question

To conduct a needs analysis or evaluate a training program, a trainer must formulate good questions.

Work/Life Balance: Is It Possible?

Yes, but it means we have to work at creating and preserving a space in our lives for the things that matter most.

Hold High Impact Conversations

High Impact Conversations are specific, deliberate conversations meant to foster commitment to action, greater workplace alignment, and shared accountability.

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