Home June 2022

June 2022

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Guide Your SMEs to Successful Outcomes—for Everyone

A high-level (and humorous) look at the Seven Subject Matter Expert Archetypes and how to manage them in the way that works best for them.

L&D Best Practices: Strategies for Success (June 2022)

Training magazine taps 2022 Training APEX Awards winners and Training Hall of Famers to provide their learning and development best practices in each issue. Here, we look at how HD Supply upskills its virtual offerings with a multifaceted learning program.

What’s Love Got to Do with Work?

If companies want growth, learning, innovation, creativity, collaboration, and resilience, they need to create workplaces where people can find and experience love, passion, and express emotions.

Remembering Beyond the End

2 suggestions to extend time for retrieval practice after course completion.

The Evolving Face of Training

Blended learning pathways foster harmony among the generations where they share knowledge, blossom innovation, and learn valuable lessons.

Sticky Notes: Find Go-To People Wherever You Need Them

Get to know the players in all the different areas of the organization—up, down, sideways, and diagonal—their strengths and weaknesses, their work proclivities, and how to work effectively with them.

Be an Undercover Training Expert

Trainers should disguise their expertise and guide, rather than lead, so their students learn better and retain more.

4 Steps and 7 Techniques for Better Virtual Training

Here is a 4-step training map (built on the brain science that is so helpful in our work) and a handful of techniques that enhance engagement in virtual environments.

Training Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (June 2022)

Each year Training magazine requires all Training Hall of Famers to submit an Outstanding Training Initiative that we share with our readers. Here are the details of KPMG’s Launch @ Lakehouse and Leading Real Estate Companies of the World’s Sales Manager Bootcamp.

New Products and Services (June 2022)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

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