Home March / April 2017

March / April 2017

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Civility, at Least in the Workplace

The stress from the lack of civility in the political spectrum can easily find its way into the workplace. Learn how to avoid the Incivility Vicious Cycle.

Being in the Moment on the Job

Is the current mindfulness focus a fad or an innovative training and personal development exercise?

Questions You’re Afraid to Ask

Make a commitment to spend just five to 10 minutes each day exploring one of these questions and jotting down the beginnings of answers. Doing so will create momentum that in six months provides answers, plans, projects, and programs that get implemented.

Do You See What I’m Seeing?

Leveraging technological advances to bring learning to the point of application—when it is needed most.

The Promise and Peril of Big Data

Are leaders paying appropriate attention?

Measuring Outcomes of Bias Training

A recent survey of 2 million employees and managers who voluntarily left their job due to unfairness found that such turnover cost corporations more than $64 billion.

Industry Insight: The Dollars and Sense Behind Self-Awareness

Human resources and training professionals are tasked with the noble role of spotting, nurturing and upskilling their organization’s talent. While the business value of the work is abundantly clear to this group, often these talented professionals spend a large portion of their time substantiating the value of L&D initiatives within their own organizations.

Focus on El Salvador

Management, supervision, technical training, and English as a Foreign Language programs are all needed in El Salvador.

Make the Most of MOOCs

Five lessons to make your online learning courses what learners want them to be.

“TIPS” For Training

In this training methodology, TIPS stands for: Teach, Illustrate, Practice, Simulate (job function). The goal is to go from zero grounding to fluency without compromising quality as quickly as possible.

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