Home April 2021
April 2021

Partnerships & Alliances (May 2021)
The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.
L&D Best Practices: Strategies for Success (April 2021)
A look at 2021 Training Top 100er Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Quality Partner Coaching Program.
Meet Robert M. Gagné
A thought leader in the world of learning and instructional design, Robert M. Gagné and his colleagues contributed much to draw upon for guidance in higher education and workplace learning.
How to Dance Your Way to Better Leadership
Many dance concepts can be applied to leadership—including why leaders become stronger when they know how to follow, or why releasing control is sometimes key to creating the best outcomes.
Training Top 100 Hall of Fame Outstanding Training Initiatives (April 2021)
Details of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World’s COVID-19 Safety Training & Education Initiative.
A New Model for Leadership Coaching
The “Inside Out” coaching approach focuses on the individual’s psyche and advocates changing the leader’s mindset first; behavior naturally and quickly follows.
Choosing the Best Career Coach
When seeking a career coach, coachees should look for qualifications, relevant skill, experience, rapport, and trust.
Journal-Based Coaching Is the Write Stuff for Learners
Journal-Based Coaching couples training content and sound journaling principles to create a valuable opportunity for learning, stress reduction, and greater coaching effectiveness.
Empathy: The Magic Elixir?
Empathy has been proven to increase sales, improve retention, raise engagement scores, promote innovation, and increase trust.
Leadership for a New Era
COVID-19 has changed the game, and in the future, caring for employees’ well-being will become a significant management priority.