Home January 2023

January 2023


The Perfect Storm for Leadership Skills

Leadership experts now emphasize qualitative skills such as empathy and communication with as much rigor as quantitative skills such as finance and engineering.

Productivity Coach’s Corner: Divergent and Convergent Thinking

As you consider building innovation this year and beyond, practice thinking up and out (divergent), as well as down and in (convergent).

New Products and Services (January 2023)

The latest products and services launching in the training industry.

New Training Partnerships and Alliances (January 2023)

The latest training industry mergers, acquisitions, partnerships, and more.

Tech Talk (January 2023)

Find out about the latest advances in training technology.

L&D Learns from COVID

Just say, “No,” to bullet points and Powerpoint for training. Instead, consider the D.E.D.I.C.T. approach that includes on-the-job training, coaching, assessments, and arrange of modalities.

Your Slide Deck Is Not a Communication Strategy

It’s time to demote the almighty slide deck to its proper use: as a support tool that bolsters your message and lets you be the star of the show.

Hybrid Work: The Biggest Test-and-Learn Experiment in History

We can apply the best practices for learning environments and design thinking to the living case study of making hybrid work effective.

Sticky Notes: Teaching Time Management

If you have limited time and too much to do, then you need to set priorities—an order of precedence or preference—so you control what gets done first, second, third, and so on.

No, Your Flipchart and Overhead Are Not Obsolete

Old standbys such as transparencies and flipcharts make a wonderful change of pace—they are high touch in presentations that otherwise might be too high tech.

Online Partners

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